Thursday, September 19, 2013

Catch up of sorts

I am absolutely going to move. I'm looking into ways to break my lease. I am going insane here. Thankfully video game guy just FINALLY stopped at 9PM. I'll see if it lasts. I'm not sure if he stopped or just finally turned it down but it was so loud I could hear/feel it without my implant on and it was annoying repetitive crappy shit. My lease is up in December and moving that time of year sucks in this state. I can't stand the noise here anymore. I had to get in a fight with the leasing office to get them to send out an email about the person who's alarm wakes me up at 3AM. I'd asked them to send an email out about it before and they never did. I called them again a few weeks ago and they said they would send one out. A week later I called and asked why it hadn't been sent again. Turns out the one they sent before didn't mention alarm clocks, just general noise issues. I told them they needed to put alarm clocks in it specifically because no one will connect that with general noise. After a lot of arguing with them they finally did so. This is my second night home so we'll see how that goes as it isn't a daily occurrence but its enough to be annoying. The video game music tonight was bad enough that I nearly went to my mother's to sleep and get away from it.

I'm pretty sure my therapist and psychiatrist will write letters for me to move because the guy below calling the police on me has freaked me out. I don't have an issue with the police but having them randomly show up and then treat me differently due to my hearing loss isn't making me happy. The guy downstairs is incredibly unstable and I don't feel safe when I see him. He's the one who told me last summer that a wolf stole his hamburger meat off his grill. Where I live thats not possible and there were no huskies in the complex at the time. I think either tomorrow or Monday I'm going to try to either call or make an appointment with someone at a realty group that might help me be able to find an apartment. I just want something quiet and safe. I've been looking on craigslist but haven't found anything. If i have to threaten to take them to court to get out of the lease I just might do so.

In other news, therapy is going well and so is church stuff. I had a really good conversation with my minister today about prayer, suicide, life, and trust. My therapist did some experiential stuff on Tuesday and it was beneficial. I had a good session with her today and just sent her a long email on my thoughts on it. I start equine therapy tomorrow. I've also applied for a per diem activities assistant job and I am beginning the process of looking into grad school for music therapy. That will be a SLOW process and I'm only in the information gathering stage. I don't want to do psychotherapy with it but rather therapy with dementia patients or possibly kids with disabilities. I need to brush up on my music skills though and also need to get somewhat more stable. I don't plan to apply this year but possibly next year if all goes well.

I've currently got a huge fruit fly infestation and so just set out traps with dish soap and apple cider vinegar and they absolutely are helping. It's really gross. That's what happens when the trash sits for a long time, even if it is covered.

What else have I been up to? I've been swimming again, although I couldn't go today as I pulled a neck/shoulder muscle and it really hurts. Its better now then it was this morning. I'm not sure if I'll try to go tomorrow or will rest another day. I've started flute lessons again and I am loving it even more now then in the past. My grandfather turned 89 and is temporarily without a license after failing the eye exam. He goes to the eye doctor Tuesday and hopefully will get it back afterwards. He needs to get it back otherwise I'm going to be driving him lots of places. Tomorrow I have to take him to Market Basket which is hell on earth. Great prices yes, but overcrowded all the time. I haven't been there in over two years at this point.

My dog's electrocardiogram went as well as it could have gone. She does have heart disease and a murmur but doesn't need medication yet, although she will in the future. It saddens me and makes the realization that she won't live forever a little bit more real. I cried for a few hours after getting the news, even knowing it was the best news I could hope for.

I guess that is mostly it. I've been so busy lately I never seem to have time to catch my breath and write either here or in my paper journal. Hopefully things will begin to settle down and normalize more soon.

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