Saturday, September 7, 2013


I have a nasty cold. It is too early in the season to have a cold, especially one this bad. I think if someone had shot me in the head yesterday only mucus would have come out, no blood. Today it seems to be moving down my body and I feel it more in my chest and throat, this has to mean it is leaving. Right? Please tell me that is accurate! I'm running a bouncy house at church tomorrow and need to feel better. Today I'm dragging and exhausted. I've found eating massive amounts of raw garlic on toast to be helpful. I'm also doing a crap ton of other stuff, both natural and two more conventional remedies to make this more tolerable.

So even in my miserableness of having a cold there is some good news. I met with the equine therapist yesterday and she was nice. I was comfortable with her. And even more amazing is she and the owner of the program have decided to see me for free for two months (twice a month) until she can begin taking my insurance! I have never had anyone offer me anything like that and was astounded by the offer. They have four horses, two miniature and two bigger ones. I won't be riding them as the therapist doesn't have a riding teachers license. I'm OK with that because I'm scared of horses at this point. I think this is something that could be beneficial. At the very least it will be interesting.

I'm currently waiting for my Y scholarship to go through. Once that goes through I can begin to swim again. I need to try to get in better shape. I'm not in horrific shape, but I am not in good shape. And I am still obese thanks to the Clozaril. I wish I had never tried that medication. I've also put feelers out to try to find a yoga therapy my therapist suggested and possibly martial arts. The last two are unlikely due to cost but I'm just finding out options.

I saw my pdoc on Wednesday. It went well. She's trying to get my labs from when I was inpatient and then is going to order her own. She tests for things other doctors don't. She mentioned the MTHFR gene in particular, as well as thyroid stuff that she looks at differently. Plus when we discussed my weight she said she is going to order this nutritional analysis that my insurance will actually cover that will help find out how my body reacts to food or something. This was all brought up when I mentioned I'd needed a B-12 shot in the hospital. I also lamented the weight gain from Clozaril and she suggested the nutritional analysis thing. I'm temporarily back on Trazodone due to my inability to sleep well. It didn't work the first two nights but last night I finally slept. I'm hoping this is partly due to my cold and I won't need it once its gone. Although there is some apprehension buried within around sleeping right now so maybe not. I'm still supposed to go to respite on Monday though and so maybe there with other people around I'll feel safer and can sleep without it.

Therapy was uneventful on Thursday compared to how it has been going. Mainly because the cold had gotten bad and she wouldn't come near me. So we just talked. Some interesting things were raised that I need to think more about.

The most difficult news as of late is my dog has a heart murmur. I'm bringing her in for an electrocardiogram on Wednesday to learn more. I'm hoping it is minor and pills can correct it.

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